Contribute to MechDB

A community-driven database of mechanical keyboard related information.

Our goal is to provide the tools and space necessary for the community to generate a user curated centralization of useful mechanical keyboard information.

How it works

MechDB was designed with collaboration in mind. While very similar to a wiki, data ordering specific to the MK world allows for some searching and filtering goodness.

Anyone can contribute and for now, moderation is done a posteriori, so all contributions are displayed online instantly. This might change if it is abused.

How to contribute

Add/Edit content

Create new content by clicking the button in the top right of the page. Edit existing content by clicking the button.

Help improve the website

Join the Discord server to make suggestions and comments. Maintenance and upgrade/improvements need help and the more opinions the better.


Each contribution earns its author 1 reputation point. One contribution can be any of the following:

  • Entering any data related to a keyboard
  • Identify any spec of a gallery photo

Note that creating a new item doesn't earn one any rep. User contributions are listed on their profile page.


There are no sponsors as of yet but we hope to get vendors onboard in the future to offer the contributor rewards.